Daily Adventures 028

Didn't do much yesterday except chill at home and work on my official site and shoes as well. Nothing but a relaxing but productive day. Today I had work in the afternoon until closing with Zalo. Work was pretty chill. While taking pictures of products, my battery died on me again. This is about the fifth time this has happened to me because I either forget to charge my battery or leave my camera on. Just need to remind myself more to stop doing that. After work, headed home to take more pictures and work on my site. Stay tuned!

Daily Adventures 027

Yesterday was a very long Monday. Had nothing but class and being productive. Stopped by Marvin's place to catch up for a bit. Thanks for the book homie. Probably the longest Monday I have had this year so far. Today I had work in the morning with Brandon until the late afternoon. Afterwards, headed out to Treasure Island to finally meet Dillian who I have known through the Internet. The Internet is such a powerful tool now a days. It's commonly where people meet now days. We first photographed the light structure and talked. From there decided I would show him a few spots and what not. Randomly met Todd who lives on Treasure Island. Todd was telling us a great amount of information that I never knew about and it was a relief really. Afterwards headed home to relax. Nice to finally meet you Dillian, can't wait to shoot around again.

Photo taken by Steph J.

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