274 of 366 || Been

Had work late morning until closing with Mike and Jenn. After work, helped Mike with his meet up. From there saw a dope 86' Corolla that I have been seeing for awhile around the Sunset area. Went home to relax. Today was my older Brother Reniel's last day in the Bay Area before he's back being on duty. He shall return safe back in December. September has been very great, looking forward to October. I have a few plans for my camera and blog. Not to mention life has been very busy with me. Just staying focused and driven to my goals that I set when I first wanted to pursue this path. So far so good. Until then, stay tuned.

274 of 366.

273 of 366 || Events

Drove from Los Angeles around 3 in the morning back to the Bay around 10 in the morning. Took a small rest. Headed out to San Jose for the Breezy Excursion and I Minus D anniversary. Later that night, celebrated Mindy's birthday dinner extravaganza.

273 of 366.
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