244 of 366 || Continued

Such a long and exhausting day. Something different for a change, I had a morning shift with Jenn. It was pretty chill in the morning and slowly gained it's pace in the afternoon. Both of us were waiting patiently for Island Life to drop and as expected, the package came in the afternoon by Jon, Steph, Brandon, and Chuck. Not only that, Mike, Sharon, and Cliff were there at the store as well. My shift ended around 5 p.m. but I was still running around and trying new product shots which, in the end, didn't work out how I thought it was. I'm trying to come up with new ways of shooting products that come into the store rather from the old ways where I simply just lay it out without any thoughts. Seems lazy, and I'm not that kind of person honestly because if doesn't get you anywhere.

After taking photographs, Jenn and I headed out to James house where Jenn was going to get a free car wash from James work place at Toyota. From there, headed back to drop James off, and back to Stonestown to wait for Zalo. Zalo showed up and went with the original plan of getting Purple Kow for my 366 entry. Headed home shortly afterwards. Since I have work tomorrow, I shall try different ways of shooting products. Just one thing I'm trying to be better at.

244 of 366.

243 of 366 || Left

Work in the afternoon with Jenn and Brandon then closing with Sharon. Sharon finally came back from Hawaii, which as cool because I got to hear how amazing Hawaii still is. Jon stopped by the store as well and it was nice seeing him for being absent for quite some time. After work, I was planning to stop by the Final Stage car meet but there was none going on for tonight so I headed home after a long time. As for my 366 entry for today, a simple photograph of my daily commute going to San Francisco from the East Bay.

243 of 366.

242 of 366 || Visit

Had work after a few days off. Started in the afternoon until closing with Mike. We had new products at Fully Laced so after work, Mike took photos of Mindy and I modeling the clothes thanks to Mike. Afterwards, headed to Teaway since Mindy wanted a drink then off to Embarcadero to meet up both Sal and Nay. Both of them were visiting San Francisco and today was there last night. Took some photos at Embarcadero and then headed to Treasure Island to top it off. Hope you guys had a good and safe trip.

242 of 366.
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