121 of 366 || More

My day started off by working on my assignments and photos in the morning. I didn't do much considering I was working on a lot of stuff until the afternoon. Since I had work at 4 p.m., decided to head out early just in case I ran into traffic. While driving to San Francisco, the clouds were just amazing that I decided to stop by Twin Peaks. Usually when I'm at Twin Peaks, it's always overcast, windy, or not the best timing. By my luck I was able to capture San Francisco while the clouds were looking great. Afterwards headed to Fully Laced and closed with Zalo and Mindy. Mike was there until 5:30 p.m. and Steph and Sharon stopped by. After work, Mindy and I grabbed some Teaway.

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120 of 366 || Restless

I went to sleep around 5 something in the morning only because I was just finished with working on the photos. I narrowed it down under 200 considering I photographed nearly 1000 images at FAME. I had work in the afternoon with Mike and Sharon. Work was pretty cool but slow at times. I was thinking of going out to grab a bite to eat after work, but decided to go home. Just tired overall and still have a bunch of work to do.

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119 of 366 || FAME SS2012 The Masquerade *Over 150+ Photos*

FAME was a great turn out! For those who couldn't make it, missed out on a lot. From music, food, fashion and company along with a handfull of clothing brands and accessories, just overall great vibes. It was nice seeing familar and new faces, as well as those who regonized my photography. It's really astonishing when those who approach me and tell me "I like your work." or "I'm a fan." It's always greatly appreciated no matter what because kind words goes a long way. I just wanna thank Bobbi for letting me photograph this amazing event as well as the photographers who helped me out, you guys know who you are. With that being said, kindly enjoy these photos!

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