And here we go again

Yes another late entry, due to many reasons and One; I forgot to bring my camera(Yes surprisingly) but had all my other needed materials. (What a fail on my part) Not only that, but Flickr was having issues so this entry shall be having one from Photobucket until the mean time. With that being said, just had class and met up with my good friend Arthur who is probably the only person I really keep in touch with in school. Shot around San Francisco and just caught up with one another. Afterwards, meet up with Mitch & K.J. Headed out to my place and then back to there's for more drinking. Overall, unexpected with some excitement.

273 of 365.


Late post due to drinking, but photos were taken the night of. Happy birthday to Mindy! Shout out to everyone who came, you guys know who you are.

272 of 365.


The weather in the Bay Area has been really great lately. Had class and ran soem errands. Afterwards, got some rest because running low on sleep. Then headed out to Mitch & KJ's place to prepare for tomorrow.

271 of 365.
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