Pre birthday

Enjoyed most of the day at my local park. I took a lot of pictures, but I accidentally, deleted them, fail.

Where the pets roam wild

Mitch and KJ were getting a new pupyy and we were invited to go with them to go get one. Amazing how puppies are cute as hell haha.

DXC SF 09.20.09 Recap

This event this time around was okay. Again, it was great seeing familiar face & meeting new people again. Sometimes this is the only time you chill with certain people and never again. Thanks to Simba for letting us in for free, appreciate that alot. There were tons and tons of sellers and not enough buyers. There were the steals and deals of course. There was only one shoe I wanted through out the whole event and that was 1985 Metallic Green/White in my size. The metallic green around the ankle and swoosh was barley cracking and coming off.

Those babies were at Cliff's table (old asian guy) He was asking for $950, no og box, but of course he always hooks me up since he knows me. Overall I sold my 1985 baby I's and retro baby Concords. At the very end of the event, Cliff was getting ready to pack up his shoes. He still had alot of og I's for sale. I couldn't believe he had og white and grey I's in size 4.5 which I never see these days. Cliff was asking for $400, then it got lowered to $250, which then lowered to $200. Steal! I used most of my money to help Mindy buy her I's.

I was the dude in black beanie, glasses, Fatlace shirt, & 2001 true blue III's. Can't wait for the next event, see you there!

I have all original files, if you would like a picture that your in with no tag, let me know. Thanks.


Stayed and was in San Francisco for about three days straight. Attended MAV Foundation 1st Annual Fashion Show thanks to Mitch, KJ, & R.J for getting us in for free of course. the event was cool. I hella forgot it was a fashion show so I dressed how I always dressed. After wards, I drove Mitch & KJ to San Mateo for CJ's surprise birthday party. Free food is always a good thing. After around 11ish, headed back to San Francisco to chill at Ron's house. We were hungry and wanted some food so we decided to hit up 7 eleven for snacks and such.


Movie in the park with Mitch and KJ. Watched Wall-E for the first time. Cool movie, sometimes I feel like Disney's movies are better then alot of movies I see. Afterwards head out to Eric's since he usually throws a party.

Step into a Slim Jim!

Went to Slim's house from Supreme Soul.

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