04.27.09 White Cement Phat Low I's

Black Cement Phat Low I's

Get owned.

Lately I've been playing xbox 360 and getting my achievement score up right now. Right now I'm currently at 19K + aiming for 20K. I already know that when I hit 20K, I'm going to aim for 25K. I remember when my big brother use to work for Sega in S.F. when he was younger. He use to test and play video games for them. This was when Dreamcast was about to come out and they need feedback and test results from other people perspective view. I need to know if Microsoft has that.

Picked up Justin at Bart and headed back to Jed's house. Next day, hit up Daly city to chill with Allan. Ate and looked around Westlake and such. Afterwards went to my cousins house to eat and drink. Jed and Justin I have the pics you guys locked on my camera. Just ask me.


For love or money. When I decided to get more serious into shoes, I would have never probably sold most of my shoes, maybe none at all. Things changed after I got my first job until I decided to quit after 2 and a half years. Maybe I should have kept that job, because one of things I hate about shoes is that I tend to sell my shoes one by one and letting go. Sacrificing the shoes I like alot or yet most for money. Don't get into this so called "shoe game" for the wrong reason.

Today I had let go of my 1999 Black/Red IV's. I don't know, for some reason I had got sort of sad, parting with my babies for money. I wanna thank Raymond Lazaro for letting me buy those. Ray if your reading this, I still have the SF DXC flyer on the day I bought the iv's. Thanks again.

*Sigh, good times. . . good times.

Just got some 360 Microsoft points today. Had played this demo called N+, real fun, decided to get some points and get that game. Not only that, to get Mindy Feeding Frenzy 2, since she loved the first one, and she wanted the second one badly. Catch me on Xbox Live; gamertag: dunksrnice

If you like Techno/Hardcore Techno/Trance like me, which is one of my favorite types of music. This dj named DJ Cotts is really amazing and good. Subscribe!



Past couple days. Tres.

04.20.09, Wore True Blue III's for Jeremy's BBQ/Birthday & 04.21.09 To the Dentist.

And today, 04.22.09, Hilltop Mall.


420 is an interesting day. Not only do weed smokers yet alone weed lovers smoke the fuck out, but it was Jeremy's birthday. Super youngster he is. After school headed out to Jeremy's house for a small gathering and bbq. Happy Birthday again Jeremy.

On Friday, my brother had gone camping and he came back Sunday. He had came back with a baby squirrel. I asked him "How he got the baby squirrel?" He said "The mom wasn't around, so I took it." The next day, Monday, he came to find out the baby squirrel died by the heatness. My brother is an idiot. He gave it bread and water and even went to the local pet store for some legit food. See, little did I know, baby squirrel hiss at you when there sleeping. Didn't know that. So I asked him, "What are you going to do with it, bury the baby squirrel?" He said "Naw, i'm a blow it up."

Awake, and sleeping.



Went to S.F. and decided to hit up Treasure Island since it was a nice day. Afterwards went to Daly City to do a meet up for another pair of Black Cement III's. Went to West Lake to meet up with Karen and King to eat Japanese food. Headed to there house for a drink or two.


Oh Yeah!

So the new Sole Collector Jordan magazine dropped today. I was asked a while back to be apart of the magazine. Stopped by my local footlocker and they had it. Copped two mags. Dope, dope, and dope.



The trip has begun. Justin got off Bart at El Ceritto Plaza, something a bit different. Afterwards, back to Jeds house to play with fire. Knocked out at Jed's and went back to the criby for an hour, then went back to Jeds. Headed out to SF, then Japan Town for the Cherry Blossom Festival. Pretty dope, JEd and Justin never been there, so it was something new for them to experience.

Afterwards, went to Huf on Sutter to get the new Huf fitted since thats one out of two reasons why Justin came down. Justin got the fitted with ease, no lines or no hassel. Headed out to Daly City Tanforan to check that mall out for something different. After that, went to Karen's house to relax a bit and watched Pineapple Express. Movie is mad funny.


The guy you see behind the cash register is Ron. He once use to live in Hercules, and in San Pablo, both were I currently live and use to reside. In the words of Ron, "It's a small world."

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