I just found this funny.

Mindy was googling her internet name, rockthesole and she came upon this. I found it funny because we found another imposter, lawl check that header, upon that we clicked her myspace link, check it out.

Fake, imposter. Check for yourself, www.rockthesole.wordpress.com

Legit and real.

Goodbye and farewell, until next time.


Post Your "STICKER BOMBED" Things laptops and comps etc Vol Back Home... Word to Niketalk for sure. Lurking since 02, member since 04.

First sticker bomb I did and completed, a desk used for other things.

Second sticker bombed was my closet.

Another view.

Whiling working on the closet, I was working on this as well, my car, Tina.

That's mighty fancy.

Got new glasses today. Similar to my last glasses, that I owned since 2006, but there a bit bigger in a way. I had gotten my eye dilated, man, it's pretty bright haha. Also I have another idea for a video, Project 002 coming soon.

I have three pairs of my favorite shoe, Black Cement III's. Planning on getting three more.


Disneys Pixars Up

Def gotta watch this.


I heard this song about 20 times on the radio, songs catchy. Any who, Karl wanted to "cheel" & Justin got paid on Friday, so he wanted to go downtown and hit up the local spots. We ended up chilling at Karl's for a bit and suppose to go to Haight, which was the original plan, but ended up at Twin Peaks, because my ass wanted to drive around like a dumbass. Headed downwards to the locals. Got food and Ron chilled with us for bit. The Hundreds dropped there one year anniversary shirt and two hats. This is the main reason why we wanted to go to San Francisco in the first place. I ended up getting the anniversary tee with ease.

This is Twin Peaks. Great view if your going site seeing. When we were up here, there was a bunch of tourist and tour buses. I feel sorry for those people who paid to see a good view on probably those off set weather days. I mean, it was sprinkling whiling wind was blowing at your face.

I never really cared much about f stop on cameras until really today. I mean yes I understand the lower the f stop, the greater the light you get and the higher the f stop, the lower the light you get. Not until today, I realize why Karl's 135mm L lens from Canon cost 900+. Playing with Canon's most of the day, instead of my Nikon, well that shit gave me a glimpse. For now, I shall blog more about this in the future, but don't get me wrong, I love my camera. Jeremy & Eric, if your reading this, I take back what I said about 50mm lens, 70-200mm, & 10-20mm lens.

On a quest.

Gotta do this again with 7 more Axe bottles and more lighters. Shits a flamethrower.

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